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Education for the Whole Child

Struthers Elementary School prides itself on a strong, positive behavioral intervention system (PBIS) to ensure the "whole" child development (emotional, behavioral and academics).  The partnerships with the ESC of Eastern Ohio, United Way of Mahoning County, Struthers Rotary Club, as well as many local churches and organizations have allowed for many supports for the social and emotional well-being of our students:  Success by Six, Success after Six, Library Book Donation Program, Operational Pollination and the PAX Good Behavior Game.

The standards-based academic instruction is embedded with scientifically researched practices.  Math is taught conceptually using the Bridges curriculum and the English Language Arts instruction focuses on the five components of reading, plus writing.  Benchmark assessments are given three times a year using DIBELS and NWEA Map Growth.  With our one-to-one technology programming, our students are provided with their own chromebook.  Technology classes are offered once a week to all grades along with music, art and physical education.

SES Snapshot



(Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports) program three years in a row.


with weekly specials for all students including art, music, and physical education.


weekly for all elementary students.


devices to students.